What this is about

To mark the centenary of the Great War, I am researching the WW1 histories of my ancestors. This blog documents my progress.
To read a summary of what I've discovered so far, select an ancestor/family member from the list on the right-hand side.

Monday, 13 January 2014

Grandad's Medals

These are the medals that started me off on this journey, Grandad Walter's medals: the Victory Medal (left) and the British Medal (right).

And here is the box they came in!

Thanks to some laborious cross referencing of medal index cards and the fine folk at the Great War Forum I now know roughly when Walter was posted overseas to join the 9th Devonshires, and also the regiment he originally enlisted in.

I also have a copy of the war diary for the 9th Devonshires, which gives a date for when he transferred to the DCLI.

I will rewrite Grandad's entry soon, and am also in the process of writing something for his brother, John Lee Price.